Friday, November 18, 2005

I should be sleeping...

Just trying to catch up on my blogs--instead of sleeping like I should be... We're off to see the wizard (ala Kansas, Toto), and will end up in Missouri tomorrow night. After a few days of long-overdue family time with my bro and his family, and my sister, we're off to Nebraska to celebrate Thanksgiving day with my wife's folks, and her bro and his family. ...Now if there was just some way to warp there... Pics of the trip to follow!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Dinner at El Chico with the Simillers

One of our favorite things to do is to get together with the Simillers. Tonight we met at El Chico for $0.99 kid's meals--gotta like that! We used to go to Jason's Deli (or as our baby called it, "Jason's Jelly!" Anyway, we had a great time talking while all the kiddos ate and played together. They all did great, and we appreciated the "adult time" without many interruptions.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Shark Attack!

Logan has had two games since his first game got canceled. He's having a great time, and the Sharks scored three goals tonight! Logan is still excited about playing, and doesn't mind (too much) if they don't win. Keep up the good attitude, Sharks!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Trick or Treat, smell my feet...

We had a great time this year attending two fall festivals, and for the first time, going trick-or-treating in our neighborhood! The kiddos had fun riding all the rides and playing in all the different bouncehouses at the festivals. Ry and Logie got to shoot a paint gun, and the girls both won prizes on the cake walk. They even had time to collect a bunch of candy. Mommy helped them "sort" it, in case she saw something she liked! We went to both festivals with our good friends, the Simillers, from our Sunday School class. They're a hoot and we always have fun together!

Our neighborhood had a bunch of kiddos out on Halloween, and we joined right in. We only went on our street this year, but next year--look out! We drove over to another friend's house--she hasn't seen the kiddos in quite a while so she was excited to see us! It was great seeing her, too. ...Oh, yeah--the kiddos brought home...more candy...! Yum!

Here are a few pics of the gang, including a couple of the Similler's kiddos. Enjoy!

Everyone's ready to go!

This "old" lady has quite a swing! Fore!

Great homemade Lego costume!

Going "candy gathering" in the neighborhood!

To soccer or not to soccer...

Logie was sure looking forward to his first indoor soccer game tonight. Unfortunately, they double-scheduled the field, and didn't let anyone know. He was kinda bummed, but cheered up when I reminded him about his next game. It's his first try at indoor, and he's pumped. His team name is the Sharks, and it looks like his coach has a great attitude about teaching them the right skills. We'll keep ya updated with more soccer news!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Welcome to the circus!

Well, we've finally done it--joined the bloggers and set up one of our own. We'll try to post all our activities, but as the title suggests, it's a circus sometimes! Hope this works...